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 La Musique en Liberté . COM 

 Français: DO	RE	MI	FA	SOL	LA	SI
English:   C	D	E	F	G	A	B

The Chordify Sheet Music is
at The Bottom
La Partition Chordify
  Se trouve tout en Bas



G       Em              Am         D
"L" is for the way you look    at me
Am      D            G
"O" is for the only one I see
G                   C
"V" is very, very extraordinary
A                      D     A        D
"E" is even more than anyone that you adore


G        Em          Am        D
Love is all that i can give to you;
Am         D               G
Love is more than just a game for two.
Two in love can make it -
Take my heart,but please dont break it-
G           D             G
Love  was made for me and you.

G# Fm  A#  D#
A#m  D#  G#
G# D#  G#


A         F#m           Bm        E
"L" is for the way you look    at me
Bm     E         A
"O" is for the only one I see
A                    D
"V" is very, very extraordinary
B                      E     B       E
"E" is even more than anyone that you adore


A         F#m           Bm        E
Love is all that i can give to you;
Bm       E            A
Love is more than just a game for two.
Two in love can make it -
Take my heart,but please dont break it-
A      E                   A
Love  was made for me and you.

Select your instrument then click on the video please

Sélectionnez votre instrument puis cliquez sur la vidéo svp