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Scorpions - When You Came Into My Life

 Français: DO	RE	MI	FA	SOL	LA	SI
English:   C	D	E	F	G	A	B

The Chordify Sheet Music is
at The Bottom
La Partition Chordify
  Se trouve tout en Bas


    Am	                         C                                  G 
You give me you smile, a piece of your heart; you give me the feel i´ve  
Been looking for 
       Am                         C                               G 
You give me your soul, your innocent love, girl you are the one i´ve been 
    F                      F7/C             E 
Waiting for, i´ve been waiting for 
 Am                     C                     G                    F 
We?re lost in a kiss, a moment in time, forever young, just forever, just  
 F7/C       E 
Forever in love 
    F                                  Dm        F 
When you came into my life, it took my breath away, cause your love has 
Found it?s away to my heart 
-Solo- (Am) 
 Am                                     C                                G 
You make me dream, by the look in your eyes, you give me the feel, i´ve  
 F                                                    Am              C 
Been longing for, I wanna give you my soul, all my life, cause you are the  
G                       F                     F7/C                E 
One, i´ve been waiting for, i´ve been waiting for, so long 
 F                                Dm       F 
When you came into my life, it took my breath away, and the world  
Stopped turnin´round, for your love 
  F                              Dm          F 
When you came into my life, it took my breath away, cause you love has  
      E                        (solo) Am C G F 2X 
Found it?s way to my heart, into my heart 
 F7/C       E 
Just forever, in love                                     
 F                                Dm       F 
When you came into my life, it took my breath away, and the world  
Stopped turnin´round, for your love 
F                              Dm          F 
When you came into my life, it took my breath away, cause you love has  
Found it?s way to my heart? 

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